I just got this for my...
March 21, 2020
Verified Purchase
I just got this for my 50th birthday, and it is the perfect pen for me. When I
initially unboxed it, I noticed a rattle on the button end, and noticeable play
in the tip when I tried writing with it, and there is a slight scraping
feel/sound when depressing the button. My favorite ballpoint is an old Caran
D'ache where the button travel is ultra-smooth (though the Goliath cartridges
are awful).
I inserted a small o-ring at the tip end of the spring, and that helped with the
play and rattling. The stock cartridge was pretty good, but I opted to go with
a Schmidt EasyFlow 9000 refill, which is bold and alarmingly smooth.
Maybe it's old age, but complaining about this pen's shortcomings for its
relatively high price gives me much enjoyment. Overall, it seems well-built and
reliable, with perfect size, weight, and balance for my taste, and I always find
myself reaching for it first, for work, doodling, and personal projects. I've
owned its pencil counterpart for 8 years, and it just feels too nice to be a
daily driver: I always worry about dropping it or losing it.
This pen is expensive enough that I'm careful with where/how it's stored, and
nice enough to enjoy using, with enough idiosyncrasies to keep me engaged and
entertained, thinking of improvements I could make to it.
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