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How to Clean a Fountain Pen

How to Clean a Fountain Pen

How to Clean a Fountain Pen

Like any well-tuned machine, fountain pens need periodic cleaning to keep them performing their best. This article will cover the basics of fountain pen cleaning, as well as some advanced techniques for experienced users.

Why Clean a Fountain Pen?

A fountain pen works through capillary action. This is a physical phenomenon in which a liquid uses surface tension to draw itself along a narrow tube. In a fountain pen, ink flows down a channel in the feed and the nib slit to the writing surface.

Over time, dust, paper fibers, and flakes of dried ink can build up in the nib and feed, disrupting the capillary action and causing the pen to write poorly. Symptoms of a pen in need of cleaning include slow or inconsistent ink flow, scratchiness, and skipping.

When Should I Clean a Fountain Pen?

Fountain pens should be cleaned every 4 to 8 weeks, even if they are still writing well. Fountain pens should also be cleaned whenever you are changing from one ink to another. This ensures that inks do not mix within the pen, which prevents muddy colors and the possibility of inks reacting to each other poorly.

Refer to the chart below for a quick summary of when you should clean your fountain pen.

When to do a Basic Cleaning If your pen is writing well and you will not be changing inks
When to Flush Your Fountain Pen If your pen is writing poorly or if you will be changing inks
When to Clean the Nib Section If your pen was filled with a high maintenance ink or if you want to clean your pen thoroughly
How to do a Basic Cleaning of a Fountain Pen

If your pen is writing well and you will not be changing inks, a basic cleaning should be sufficient.

Step 1: Disassemble the Pen
Step 1: Disassemble the Pen
First, uncap the pen. Then, unscrew the nib section (also known as the grip section or just “the section”) from the barrel. If your fountain pen uses a cartridge or converter, remove it from the nib section.
Step 2: Rinse the Section
Step 2: Rinse the Section
Hold the nib section under cool, running water for a few seconds. This will wash off any easily removable ink and make the next step go much faster.
Step 3: Soak the Section
Step 3: Soak the Section
Prepare a cup of clean water and place the nib section in it to soak. Replace the water when it becomes saturated with ink. Repeat until the water remains clean for at least an hour. Note that some inks—especially ones that are highly saturated or water resistant—can take longer than others to clean out of a pen.
Step 4: Dry the Section
Step 4: Dry the Section
Remove the nib section from the water and let it dry completely. This can take up to 24 hours. For best results, leave it sitting nib-down in a small cup with the nib wrapped in a soft, smooth cloth or paper towel to help draw the water out of the nib section.
Step 5: Reassemble the Pen
Step 5: Reassemble the Pen
Once the nib section is dry, install the cartridge or converter if the pen uses one, and screw the nib section back into the barrel.
How to Flush a Fountain Pen

If your pen is writing poorly or if you want to change inks, we recommend flushing the pen to give it a more thorough cleaning. "Flushing" simply means forcing water through the nib section until it is clean.

If the pen has a converter or built-in filling system, use the following instructions:

Step 1: Disassemble the Pen and Rinse the Section
Step 1: Disassemble the Pen and Rinse the Section
Disassemble and rinse the pen, following steps one and two of the Basic Cleaning instructions above.
Step 2: Flush the Filling System
Step 2: Flush the Filling System
Place the open end of the converter or barrel in a cup of water. Fill and empty the ink chamber until it is clean.
Step 3: Partially Assemble the Pen
Step 3: Partially Assemble the Pen
Re-attach the converter or barrel to the nib section and place the nib in a cup of water.
Step 4: Flush the Feed
Step 4: Flush the Feed
Use the converter or built-in filling system to cycle water in and out of the pen. Repeat until no more ink is visible when pushing water out of the pen, replacing the water if it becomes saturated with ink.
Step 5: Soak the Section
Step 5: Soak the Section
Let the nib section soak for a few hours to dissolve any remaining traces of ink.
Step 6: Dry the Section and Reassemble the Pen
Step 6: Dry the Section and Reassemble the Pen
Dry and reassemble the pen, following steps four and five of the Basic Cleaning instructions.
Fountain Pen Cleaning Accessories

If the pen does not have a converter or built-in filling system, a fountain pen cleaning accessory is an indispensable addition. A cleaning accessory is a syringe or pipette that attaches to the pen like a converter, allowing you to flush the pen properly. It’s also handy for those who like to clean a handful of pens at once. A syringe or pipette holds more water than a converter, so it’s less time consuming to flush a pen using a cleaning accessory.

Fountain Pen Cleaning Kits

A fountain pen cleaning kit usually includes a specialized syringe, pipette, or cartridge-like attachment. Be sure to check carefully and make sure the kit and pen are compatible. Below, we show how to use the Platinum Fountain Pen Ink Cleaner Kit with a Kaweco Sport.

1. Unscrew the nib section from the fountain pen. 1. Remove the cartridge or converter and install the bulb into the grip section.
2. Install the bulb into the nib section and flush the pen to clean. 2. Flush the pen to clean.
Cleaning Kit Compatibility
Kaweco Cleaning Syringe Most pens that accept international short size cartridges
Platinum Fountain Pen Ink Cleaner Kit - European Model Most pens that accept international short size cartridges
Platinum Fountain Pen Ink Cleaner Kit - Japanese Model Platinum fountain pens only
Point Fountain Pen Cleaning Kit Most pens that accept international short size cartridges
Sailor Fountain Pen Maintenance Kit Sailor fountain pens only
Hacking Syringes and Pipettes

You may be able to create an improvised cleaning syringe by cutting off the end of an empty ink cartridge and fitting it to a syringe. Install the cartridge-syringe assembly into the nib section and use it to flush the pen. Note that the fit between the cartridge and syringe must be airtight for this to work.

1. Cut the end of the cartridge to create an opening. 1. Cut the end of the cartridge to create an opening.
2. Insert the open end into the syringe. 2. Insert the open end into the syringe.
3. Install the cartridge into the nib section. 3. Install the cartridge into the grip section and dip into a cup of water.
4. Dip the nib section into the cup and use the syringe to draw up water and flush the pen to clean. 4. Use the syringe to draw up water and flush the pen to clean.

You can create a similar cleaning accessory with a pipette by trimming the open end of the pipette to the width of a cartridge. Then, flush the pen.

Advanced Cleaning Techniques
How to Clean a Nib Section

With some fountain pens, the nib section can be further disassembled, allowing an even more thorough cleaning. This is particularly useful when the pen has been filled with a high maintenance ink, like glitter, iron gall, or pigment-based inks. Be extremely careful when taking the nib section apart, and do not try to force the nib out if it feels stuck. Doing this may void any manufacturer's warranty your pen might have, and if you aren't careful, this can quickly turn your pen cleaning into a pen ruining. Be sure to detach the cartridge or converter before attempting to remove the nib and feed.

Friction Fit Nibs
Nibs and feeds are usually installed in one of two ways: by friction or with a collar. Friction-fit fountain pens like the Pilot Metropolitan and TWSBI ECO have nibs and feeds that can be simply pulled out. Carefully check to see if the nib and feed must be oriented in a specific way in the grip section.
Nib Collars
Other pens may use a screw-in nib unit, with the nib and feed installed in a removable nib collar (examples of such pens include metal Kaweco fountain pens). To avoid damaging the threading on the collar or section of these pens, unscrew the entire nib unit first. Then, pull the nib and feed out of the collar.
Rinsing the Nib Section
Once the nib and feed have been removed from the section, rinse all three and let them soak for a few hours. Lay them out on a cloth or paper towel to dry, then place the nib and feed back into the section and reassemble the pen.

See the section on Fountain Pen Nib and Feed Removability below to see if your fountain pen has a nib and feed that can be removed for cleaning.

How to Clean a Converter

Some converters—like the LAMY Z 28 and Schmidt K5—can be disassembled, allowing you to clean ink or water that has become stuck behind the piston.

Step 1: Remove the Piston Ring
Step 1: Remove the Piston Ring
Twist the converter’s knob clockwise to pull the piston all the way up. Use a grippy material like a rubber jar grip to firmly grasp the metal ring on the converter. Twist counterclockwise to remove the ring.
Step 2: Remove the Piston Mechanism and Clean
Step 2: Remove the Piston Mechanism and Clean
Gently pull on the converter’s knob to pull the piston mechanism out. Clean the ink chamber and let it dry completely.
Step 3: Apply Silicone Grease (Optional)
Step 3: Apply Silicone Grease (Optional)
You can apply a small amount of silicone grease to the piston to keep it running smoothly.
Step 4: Reassemble the Converter
Step 4: Reassemble the Converter
Insert the piston mechanism into the converter’s tube and seat firmly. Replace the ring on the piston. Note that some rings (like those on LAMY converters) may need a gentle squeeze to fit properly.
How to Clean a Fountain Pen’s Cap

Some fountain pens have an inner cap that fits snugly into the base of the main cap. While this part helps prevent a nib from drying out, ink can get stuck between the walls of the main cap and the inner cap. You can remove some inner caps with a little ingenuity. Note that some inner caps are attached securely to the main cap and are not removable.

Step 1: Make the Inner Cap Tool
Step 1: Make the Inner Cap Tool
Loop a rubber band around a pencil. We recommend wrapping the rubber band around the unsharpened end of the pencil, as shown in the image above, rather than the eraser end. The metal ferrule on the eraser end could scratch the inner cap. Hold the rubber band against the pencil to keep it taut.
Step 2: Insert the Tool into the Cap
Step 2: Insert the Tool into the Cap
Insert the end of the pencil into the fountain pen’s cap. Twist the pencil slightly so the rubber band “catches” the walls of the inner cap.
Step 3: Pull out the Inner Cap
Step 3: Pull out the Inner Cap
Pull the pencil out of the cap. For some pen caps, the tool may not be wide enough to “catch” the inner cap. You can try looping another rubber band on top of the first to widen the tool.
Step 4: Clean the Cap
Step 4: Clean the Cap
Use a cotton swab or running water to clean the cap. Dry the cap thoroughly before replacing the inner cap. Be sure to push the inner cap all the way to the base of the cap before reassembling the pen.
Specific Fountain Pen Cleaning Techniques
How to Clean a Pelikan Demonstrator Fountain Pen

Some Pelikan fountain pens come in a transparent body known as a demonstrator. Ink and water may get trapped in the grip section, which can be unsightly. There is a simple way to clean the section by using a syringe.

Step 1: Clean the Pen and Remove Nib
Step 1: Clean the Pen and Remove Nib
Clean the pen as normal, using the basic cleaning or flushing instructions above. Remove the nib from the pen by turning the unit counterclockwise. Set the nib unit aside.
Step 2: Insert a Syringe into the Grip Section and Clean
Step 2: Insert a Syringe into the Grip Section
Fill a syringe with water. Locate the threads in the middle of the grip section and press the needle against the bottom of the threads, pointed towards the wall of the grip section. Depress the syringe to rinse the ink out of the grip section. If the ink is particularly stubborn, try using one of the cleaning solutions we mention below.
Step 3: Dry the Grip Section
Step 3: Dry the Grip Section
Wick excess water out of the grip section using a cotton swab or soft paper towel. Let the feed and nib dry completely.
Step 4: Reassemble the Pen
Step 4: Reassemble the Pen
Once the nib unit is completely dry, screw it into the grip section to reassemble the pen.
How to Clean a LAMY 2000 Fountain Pen

The LAMY 2000 features a seamless design that looks like it cannot be disassembled. However, you can remove the nib and feed from the pen in order to give the pen a thorough cleaning. Note that, like other LAMY pens, the nib and feed cannot be separated from each other.

Step 1: Clean the Pen
Step 1: Clean the Pen
Clean the pen as normal, using the basic cleaning or flushing instructions above. Uncap the LAMY 2000 and locate the ink window and the metal tabs. This is where the grip section is screwed into the barrel.
Step 2: Remove the Grip Section from Barrel
Step 2: Remove the Grip Section from Barrel
Hold the grip in one hand and turn the barrel counterclockwise. Be careful not to lose the thin metal ring on the top of the section: this piece ensures that the pen caps securely. We recommend taking the ring off and placing it in a safe location so that it doesn’t fall off during cleaning.
Step 3: Remove the Nib and Feed from Grip Section
Step 3: Remove the Nib and Feed from Grip Section
Hold the grip section in one hand and use your other hand to gently “pinch” the top of the nib and the bottom of the feed. Be sure not to squeeze the sides or press on the tip of the nib. Push the unit towards the opening at the back of the grip section. When the back of the feed has extended past the grip opening, you can grab the feed and gently pull the nib and feed out.
Step 4: Clean and Reassemble the Grip Section
Step 4: Clean and Reassemble the Grip Section
Soak the nib and feed in water until they are clean. Dry the unit and insert it into the grip section, orienting the nib correctly. The top of the nib should lie against the curved side of the opening.
Step 5: Reassemble the Pen
Step 4: Clean the Grip Section and Reassemble the Pen
Replace the metal ring for the capping mechanism and screw the barrel onto the grip section.
How to Use Fountain Pen Cleaning Solutions
Commercial Cleaning Solutions

Sometimes water isn’t enough to clean out a pen completely. Several companies make cleaning solutions specifically designed for fountain pens. Use a commercial cleaning solution by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Rinse and flush or soak the nib section of the pen with plain water using instructions from the Basic Cleaning or Flushing sections.
  • Step 2: Prepare the cleaning solution, following any instructions listed on its packaging. To make the solution last longer, transfer a few milliliters to a smaller bottle or empty ink vial and save the rest for future cleanings.
  • Step 3: Soak the nib section in the cleaning solution per the instructions. If the pen has a converter or built-in filling system, use it to pull the cleaning solution into the nib section. Note: In our experience, there shouldn’t be any harm in letting your pen soak for longer than the manufacturer’s recommended time.
  • Step 4: Rinse and flush or soak the nib section with plain water. Any cleaning solution left in the pen may interfere with ink flow.
  • Step 5: Dry the nib section and reassemble the pen.
Homemade Cleaning Solutions

You can clean your pens using common household cleaners. Never use rubbing alcohol or acetone to clean your pens. Exposing pens to these substances can irreversibly damage the pen. Instead, use one of these solutions:

  • Dishwashing Soap: Mix a small amount of dishwashing soap with water.
  • Ammonia: For very tough clogs or inks that are particularly hard to clean, you can use a 10-to-1 mixture of water and ammonia. Do not use ammonia to clean aluminum, brass, or copper pen components, since ammonia can corrode these metals.
  • Bleach: If all else fails, you can try cleaning the pen with a very diluted (approximately 20-to-1 ratio) mixture of water and bleach. Bleach can be damaging to some pen components, so it should only be used as a last resort. Do not soak pen parts in a bleach mixture for long periods of time. Never use ammonia and bleach together, as they will react to form toxic vapors.
General Tips and Tricks
  • If your tap water is hard (has a high mineral content), it may leave behind mineral deposits in the feed or barrel when the water evaporates. This can cause flow problems. We recommend using distilled or softened water when cleaning your fountain pens.
  • Use only cold or room temperature water when cleaning a fountain pen. Hot water may warp or damage some components.
  • If you are performing a basic cleaning of your fountain pen and want to save the ink in the cartridge or converter, use a piece of tape to seal the opening of the cartridge or converter to keep it from drying out.
  • Iron gall, pigmented, and shimmering inks clearly labeled for fountain pen use are not harmful to pens. However, if you will not be using a pen filled with one of these inks for a week or longer, we recommend flushing the pen.
  • For fountain pens that have ink stains in the barrel or converter, Sailor Shikiori Doyou may be able to remove the stains. Clean the pen as normal, then fill the pen with the ink. Leave the pen overnight, then flush the ink from the pen and clean again. This won’t always work, but it may be a lifesaver for stained demonstrator pens.
Fountain Pen Nib and Feed Removability

We have compiled a list of every fountain pen available at JetPens and tested if the nib and feed are removable. Here's how to read the "Nib Removable?" column:

  • "Yes, friction fit": This means the pen does not have a nib collar and the nib and feed can be pulled directly from the grip section.
  • "Yes, nib collar": This means the pen has a nib collar. We recommend removing the nib collar from the grip section by unscrewing it, but you can also pull the nib and feed out of the grip section.
  • "Yes, inserted": This means the nib must be removed from the grip section in the direction of the barrel.
  • "Yes, twist fit": This means the pen does not have a nib collar bu the nib and feed must be turned as they are pulled out of the grip section.
  • "No": This means the pen does not have a removable nib and feed, and we do not recommend attempting to do so.

Note that we are not able to test the nib and feed removability for pens that we do not have on our website.


With regular care and cleaning, a fountain pen can last a lifetime and keep on writing just as well as when it was new. Do you have any thoughts or questions about fountain pen maintenance? Leave a comment and let us know!